change theme to tokyonight

This commit is contained in:
Mans Ziesel 2023-10-16 20:19:51 +02:00
parent 07cd60731a
commit d95ca94917

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@ -144,14 +144,26 @@ require('lazy').setup({
-- {
-- -- Theme inspired by Atom
-- -- 'ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim',
-- "folke/tokyonight.nvim",
-- priority = 1000,
-- config = function()
-- vim.cmd.colorscheme 'tokyonight-night'
-- vim.cmd('highlight! link SignColumn Normal')
-- end,
-- opts = {
-- style = "storm",
-- transparent = true
-- }
-- },
-- Theme inspired by Atom
priority = 1000,
config = function()
vim.cmd.colorscheme 'gruvbox'
vim.cmd('highlight! link SignColumn Normal')
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
opts = {
@ -210,7 +222,8 @@ require('lazy').setup({
dependencies = {
-- 'HiPhish/nvim-ts-rainbow2',
build = ':TSUpdate',
@ -234,6 +247,14 @@ require('lazy').setup({
-- See `:help vim.o`
-- NOTE: You can change these options as you wish!
style = "night", -- The theme comes in three styles, `storm`, `moon`, a darker variant `night` and `day`
transparent = true, -- Enable this to disable setting the background color
vim.cmd[[colorscheme tokyonight]]
-- Set highlight on search
vim.o.hlsearch = false
@ -255,7 +276,7 @@ vim.o.mouse = 'a'
-- Sync clipboard between OS and Neovim.
-- Remove this option if you want your OS clipboard to remain independent.
-- See `:help 'clipboard'`
vim.o.clipboard = 'unnamedplus'
-- vim.o.clipboard = 'unnamedplus'
-- Enable break indent
vim.o.breakindent = true
@ -369,15 +390,15 @@ require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup {
node_decremental = '<M-space>',
rainbow = {
enable = true,
-- list of languages you want to disable the plugin for
-- disable = { 'jsx', 'cpp' },
-- Which query to use for finding delimiters
query = 'rainbow-parens',
-- Highlight the entire buffer all at once
strategy = require('ts-rainbow'),
-- rainbow = {
-- enable = true,
-- -- list of languages you want to disable the plugin for
-- -- disable = { 'jsx', 'cpp' },
-- -- Which query to use for finding delimiters
-- query = 'rainbow-parens',
-- -- Highlight the entire buffer all at once
-- -- strategy = require('ts-rainbow'),
-- },
textobjects = {
select = {
enable = true,