# ip-svc Go service that will show user IPv4 and IPv6 addresses ![IP page screenshot](./docs/ip-svc-screenshot.png) ```mermaid flowchart TD A[net/http] A --> B{get request RemoteAddress} B --> C{is ipv6?} C -->|yes| D[render template with IPv6 address] C -->|no| E[render template with IPv4 address] D --> F{request ipv4 address from ip4.mziesel.nl} F -->|success| G[add address to page] E --> H{request ipv6 address from ip6.mziesel.nl} H -->|success| G[add address to page] ``` works by creating four dns records ``` A ip.mziesel.nl AAAA ip.mziesel.nl A ip4.mziesel.nl AAAA ip6.mziesel.nl ``` #### endpoints | Endpoint | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | `/` | HTML page | | `/raw` | Just the raw IP | | `/json` | Data in json |